

They Breathe Oxygen while Driving Trains

2020-06-03 瀏覽(1247)

What is the experience

while working on the world's highest railway

Driving a train while breathing oxygen?

It's not a legend

On the Qinghai-Tibet Railway

This kind of thing is very common

China Railway Qinghai-Tibet Group Co. LTD

Golmud locomotive depot is carrying

Train traction on The Gela section of Qinghai-Tibet Railway

The feat of "driving a train while breathing oxygen"

It was done by the train driver here

We interviewed a few people

The highland "Iron Man" who works here

Learn about working on the world's highest railway

What kind of experience is it

From:《They Breathe Oxygen while Driving Trains》, China National Radio Network, China Railway, June 14 and 15, 2019



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